Six athletes from ETH Zurich to compete in South Korea

The team of athletes taking part in the Summer Universiade sporting event in Gwangju, which will take place in early July, has been finalised. Participants from ETH Zurich will be involved in the golf, handball, shooting and volleyball contests.

Enlarged view: Universiade
The Swiss athletes gathered for the first time a few days ago. (Photo: Angelo Brack)

The 28th Summer Universiade is being held in Gwangju, South Korea, from 3 to 12 July. At these World University Games, students pit themselves against their counterparts from across the globe in a variety of sporting disciplines. A delegation of 104 athletes from the Swiss University Sport Federation (SHSV), including 20 students from the Zurich universities, will be taking part in this year’s event.

Six of the athletes are students from ETH Zurich:

  • Fiorino Clerici (Mechanical Engineering): golf
  • Tobias Wetzel (Environmental Engineering): handball
  • Jürg Ebn?ther (Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems): shooting
  • Caspar Huber (Civil Engineering): shooting
  • Roberto May (Mechanical Engineering): shooting
  • Simon Hofstede (Health Sciences and Technology): volleyball

Like the Olympic Games, the Universiade takes place in both summer and winter. The first Summer Universiade was organised in 1959 by the International University Sports Federation (FISU), with the first Winter Universiade following a year later.

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